Saturday, May 18, 2013


She sits in class
Watching the teachers lips move
But her mind is not on what she's saying.
It's on him.
The guy she loves.

She can not stop thinking about him
The smell of him lingers where ever he goes
She loves him so
The love she feels is everlasting
She hopes he feels the same.

How can she know for sure?
She could ask, she shakes her head, he could lie...
She looks at her hand, picturing his in it.
Their fingers are interlocked, a perfect fit

She runs her hands through her blonde silk hair
Thinking of all the bad times
He's helped her through so much
Him running his fingers through her hair
As her head rests on his shoulder

The bell rings, its time to go
She smiles as she packs up to go
Thinking of him and only him

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