Saturday, May 18, 2013


Why have you done this?
Why have you gone and hurt me?
Ruined my family, my life, and my dreams.
I wish I could make you happy
I wish I could make you proud.
I've tried and I've tried
But all that's done is making me cry.

Why have you done this?
What went so wrong?
You always seemed so happy.
Did I do something to make you run?

Please tell me why.
Why did you lie and cheat on mom?
Why couldn't you try just one last time.
All I wanted was you to walk me down the isle.
To sing butterfly kisses to me one last time.

Please tell me why...
Every night before I sleep I cry...
You were supposed to be the one guy who didn't hurt me.
But I guess that was another lie.

There will be no late night wake up calls...
Or jokes or laughs...
You have her kids now...

I'm just a thing of the past.
A memory lost is another one gained.
Maybe that is why I am in so much Pain.

This was written years ago. Freshmen year in high school when my dad left my mom after having multiple affairs.

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