Saturday, May 18, 2013


Everyone makes mistakes
But I made a big one.
It happened the day that I met you.
All it took was one smile
And you had me in your arms.

You said you'd never let me go.
I thought, "This is way to good to be true"
And I was right.
Because then one night
We went to a party
Then to my place.

You kissed my lips so tender
I thought for sure that I would melt.
The next thing I can remember
Waking up and you being gone

I call you the next morning,
No one was home.
I left a message on your phone.
You never called back.

Then I was on my way to work
I decided I'd just stop by,
You opened the door,
Stood their a minute,
Then slammed it in my face

I ran back home
With tears streaming down my face
I ran past my mom
Up the stairs
I slammed the door and looked in the mirror
My eyes swollen and red

You called that night, said you were sorry
I said okay but I had to go
A few days later I got sick
I didn't know what to do.

When I was sure of what had happened
I told you the truth
You got mad and called me a whore
Punched me in the stomach.

You jumped in your car and drove away
While I just sat their and cried.
You called that night
Asked if it was true
I said yes and just hung up

But now I can't show my face or anything else
For scared that someone will see
but now that I hold her in my arms
I'm glad you aren't her dad
For if you were..

I know what you'd do
Because you did it to me too
So as I hold this mistake
Which is also a gift
I think of what life will be like now
As me and and my baby slowly drift to sleep

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