Saturday, May 18, 2013


People don't really know me
They think they do, but they don't
They don't see the hurt written all over
Because I hide behind a mask
everyone thinks, "Oh she's got a perfect life"
She gets whatever she wants
And never gets hurt
But that's all a lie

My lifes not perfect
And I'm often hurt
But I never show it
I just hide behind this mask of deception and make believe
I wish I could share my pain, but I can't!
I wish I could show everyone my lifes not perfect, but I can't!

No one knows that I have all the same problems they do
If I could take this mask off
I would but for now its stuck
And everyone will go on seeing me as this...
This happy, go lucky girl

When really behind my mask I'm dying and crying
Inside and I feel like I'll burst
And my mask will fly off
But I know it wont.
So life will just have to go on
With lies and misconceptions.

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