Saturday, May 18, 2013

Little Girl

I once wished I could be all grown up
To have privileges and go out after dark
but now that I have them
I wish I was a little girl again

It was so easy then
Nothing to worry about 
If I got scared I could crawl into my dads lap
And when I was sick 
My mommy would stay home with me
Instead of going to work

I didn't have to think about...
Who liked me
and if I liked them back
There wasn't all this pressure
Everything was so much easier
Now I worry about who likes me,
and if I look okay.

I wish I was that age
where nothing mattered,
I didn't have homework,
I could just play outside 
Or stay inside and play with my dolls
When I could play in the mud
And not look like a fool

But I can't anymore
Because my feelings are changing
along with everything else
I get home from school..
and do hours of homework

I have to worry about...
Whether the guy i like, likes me too
when all I really want to do 
is crawl into my moms bed 
late at night when I can't sleep
Just like when I was little.

I'd watch tv
until I feel asleep
Then she'd carry me to bed
Where if I got a scratch
She'd pull out a box of band-aids
and make it all better

Then i would crawl into my dads lap,
he would read to me
but I don't need that anymore
Because I'm growing up,
going to dances,
wondering who I'll dance with, if anyone

I wonder what will come of tomorrow
all I want is to have those times back
in my memory I was so happy.
but now half the time I don't know what I am
What will happen to me when I'm older?
Will this feeling just get worse?
Will i grow out of it?

I have so many questions and feelings 
If I don't get them out
I think I'll just explode
I have so much to think about
But little time to do anything

I just want to be little again
and not have a care in the world
I wish....
I could go back in time, to those fun days
but i cant!

So I have to deal with...
growing up with these emotions and problems
hoping i wont always feel this way.
Can someone help me?
Even though I have no problem?
But the face that I miss being little.

But I am no longer a little girl
So i have to deal with these..
questions, problems, and feelings.
Like the big girl that I am.

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